Removing SSL certificates
I did not see any option where I can discontinue all certificates that I have till now. How do we remove or discontinue SSL certs?
View ArticleIs this site safe for me to use???
Is this site safe for me to use, since your logo is on the page? And does it mean that money can't be taken from me, and that it is...
View Articlejava.lang.Exception: Public keys in reply and keystore don't match
Not sure why this would be. Perhaps my CSR was incorrect... ?
View ArticleAnswered: Hearbleed best course of action
That is a good resource site to find out more about the Heartbleed bug, which only affects OpenSSL implementations. Typically if you are running IIS (Exchange, Outlook, SharePoint, etc) you probably...
View ArticleHow ssl handles replay attacks and password sniffing ?
I want to know in brief how passoword sniffing and replay attacks are protected in ssl .
View ArticleHow to set Load balancer URL
I have two server and my server url is While my load balancer url is which balancer the user load...
View ArticleCan Iranians take ssl certificate from your company due to the sanctions?
I checked your registration fill in form and you have put Iran name in that list. Based on this can we purchase for SSL certificate due to the sanctions?
View ArticleAnswered: Can Iranians take ssl certificate from your company due to the...
Unfortunately due to sanctions in place by the United States government we are unable to issue certificates to Iran at this time.
View ArticleAnswered: How to set Load balancer URL
The two host names of the load balanced machines confuse matters here unnecessarily. The certificate should be generated for The private key and other files can be...
View ArticleAnswered: java.lang.Exception: Public keys in reply and keystore don't match
Did you create the CSR with keytool? If not this could be one reason for the error message above. If you could outline the steps you took to generate the CSR then outline the steps used to import...
View ArticleAnswered: Is this site safe for me to use???
Hello, That is not a certificate that we issued and it is not our verification logo.
View ArticleAnswered: Does SSL is only meant for website?
Not at all. SSL secures almost any service that requires secure communication. Email servers, web servers, SSH (method of managing linux/unix servers), VPNs, and many other services.
View Articleif this SSL cert supports Microsoft Lync server ?
hi, i need deploy MS Lync server . may be setup exchange later . does this SSL cert can be use on my site ? Thanks Zhiyuan
View ArticleWhen using the ssl cert for a single domain will all sub-domains be protected...
Do I have to purchase an ssl cert for every sub-domain whose main domain I already purchased a certificate for?
View ArticleAnswered: But who's to say that my ISP didn't pop their own certificate to...
You would want to find a usenet client that would display the padlock or some other indicator that SSL is active. Without any indicator, the SSL feature of the usenet client would be useless to the...
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